CPS Law in Houston, TX

CPS (Child Protective Services) cases involve allegations of child abuse or neglect and are handled by government agencies charged with protecting children from harm. Our law firm has dealt with CPS cases launched by Texas Child Protective Services and has seen how complex and emotional they can be for all parties involved.
The primary goal of CPS cases is to ensure the safety and well-being of the child or children involved. A CPS case usually begins when someone reports suspected child neglect or abuse to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). The DFPS will then investigate the allegations and determine whether they believe there is evidence of abuse or neglect. If they do, they may remove the child from their home and place them in foster care.
If your child has been removed from your home by CPS, it is essential that you seek legal representation right away. Our lawyers can help you contest the allegations against you, work to reunify your family, and ensure that your legal rights are protected throughout the entire legal process.
Frequently Asked Question
What Is CPS?
CPS stands for Child Protective Services. It is a government agency that investigates and takes action to protect children who are believed to be abused or neglected. CPS cases are often initiated by reports from concerned individuals, such as teachers, doctors, or neighbors.
CPS in Houston is part of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, which is responsible for child protection services throughout the state.
CPS also provides a range of services to help families in crisis, such as counseling, parenting classes, and substance abuse treatment. The goal of these services is to help families address the underlying issues that may be contributing to the abuse or neglect and to prevent future incidents from occurring.
How Does CPS Investigate the Welfare of Children?
When CPS receives a report of child abuse, they will conduct an initial assessment to determine the level of risk to the child. This may involve contacting the child, the child's parents or guardians, and any other individuals who may have information about the situation.
If the initial assessment suggests that the child may be at risk of harm, CPS will conduct a safety assessment to determine whether the child is safe in their current environment. This may involve a home visit, an examination of the child's living conditions, and an evaluation of the parents' or guardians' ability to provide a safe and stable home for the child.
If the safety assessment raises concerns about the child's welfare, CPS will conduct a more in-depth investigation to gather additional information and evidence. This may involve interviewing the child, the child's family members, and other individuals who may have information about the situation. CPS may also request medical records, school records, and other relevant documents to help determine whether the abuse or neglect allegation is founded.
Based on the information gathered during the investigation, CPS will determine whether abuse or neglect has occurred and whether the child is at risk of future harm. If abuse or neglect is substantiated, CPS will work with the family to develop a plan to ensure the child's safety and well-being. This may involve placing the child in foster care, ordering the parents or guardians to undergo counseling or parenting classes, or even terminating parental rights if necessary.
What Are the Steps in a CPS Case?
If Child Protective Service determines there is enough evidence to support the allegations, they will proceed with a petition to remove the child from their home. Once the petition has been filed, a hearing will be scheduled where all parties will present their case. This includes presenting evidence and calling witnesses to testify on behalf of their client. After considering all of the evidence presented at the hearing, a judge will make a determination as to whether or not the child should be removed from their home.
If it is determined that removal is necessary for the safety of the child, CPS will work with relatives or foster parents to find an appropriate placement for them. Throughout this entire process, it is crucial that families have legal representation to ensure their rights are protected and that they have someone fighting on their behalf. Our experienced lawyers can guide families through these complex proceedings and help them achieve the best possible outcome for themselves and their children.
Why Should I Hire Your Firm for My CPS Case?
Our law firm has extensive experience in dealing with Child Protective Services cases. CPS lawyers are well-versed in the legal procedures and requirements involved in CPS investigations, hearings, and court proceedings. They can provide legal advice and help you understand your rights as a parent or guardian, guide you through the legal process, and provide you with effective representation.
Furthermore, our attorney will help protect your family's privacy. They can ensure that sensitive information about your family does not become public knowledge during the course of a case. This is especially important if your family has been wrongly accused or if there are extenuating circumstances that may affect the outcome of the case.
Finally, our experienced attorney can increase your chances of achieving a favorable outcome in your case. We will work tirelessly to defend your interests and advocate for what is best for your family. Our lawyer will use their legal knowledge to challenge any inaccurate allegations against you and present compelling evidence to support your case. With our help, you can strive towards keeping custody of your child or children or finding an appropriate placement option for them within reasonable timeframes.
What Strategies Do You Use for CPS Cases?
Our law firm handles CPS cases using various strategies to ensure our clients' interests are protected. One of the primary strategies is to gather as much evidence as possible on behalf of our clients, including witness testimonies, medical records, and police reports. We also work closely with social workers and other experts who can provide valuable insight into the case.
We understand that going through a court trial can be emotionally taxing for all parties involved; thus, we try to negotiate terms that will benefit our clients without compromising the safety and well-being of the child involved while protecting our client’s parental rights. This involves finding common ground between all parties and coming up with an agreement that satisfies everyone.
Sometimes, negotiation is not the solution to a case. In that event, our CPS lawyer is a skilled trial attorney. In all CPS cases our firm handles, regardless if it is negotiated or tried before the court, we work with our clients to develop a plan that is tailored to protect their children and their parental rights.